ICMEI Presented AAFT Scholarship to Panama

ICMEI Presented AAFT Scholarship to Panama

by studios566
Indo Panama Cultural Forum Presented Scholarship

New Delhi: Indo Panama Film And Cultural Forum recently formed by the Embassy of Panama In India and International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry Jointly to promote and develop better relations between the two countries.
An addition to that ICMEI has offered a scholarship of a short-term course in film and television from AAFT- Asian Academy of Film And Television for a deserving student from Panama. The scholarship includes three months course along with three months boarding and lodging for the student too.
“We are pleased to handover the scholarship to H.E. Ricardo A Berna Charge d’ Affairs of Panama in India. This is what we believe in cultural diplomacy. The is the another way to bring the people of two countries close to each other,” said Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI. H.E. Ricardo A Berna extended his heartiest thanks on this gesture of ICMEI and AAFT.


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