Sandeep Marwah at Oxford Business College at Oxford

 Sandeep Marwah at Oxford Business College at Oxford
Oxford: A well-known film and media personality Dr. Sandeep Marwah now also Chancellor of AAFT University of Media And Arts invited by Dr. Padmesh Gupta of Oxford Business College at Oxford.
“It was last 2005 when we met Dr. Marwah at Oxford, today it is a great honor for us to receive him at the college as the chief guest and to deliver a key note address at   the centre,” said Dr. Padmesh Gupta. ”Intimation on all mediums of media has been posted to inform all the students to be part of this evening with Dr. Marwah who has been six times World Record Holder,” added Dr. Padmesh.
“We all here at Oxford amazed by the qualifications and capacity of Marwah to work in the field of media and entertainment industry and creating a wonderful place for himself internationally,” said Sarwar Khawaja European Economic Senator of Economic Senate present on the occasion.
“It is my honor and privilege to be here with you all. Leaders are born but leaders are created too at a place called Oxford Business College, established right at the Education capital of the World,” initiated Marwah. He spoke at length the qualities of a good leader and expressed his desire that every one should get into some social activities to be    remained as good human being.
Later Dr. Sandeep Marwah was presented with a memento by the principal of the college Gerry Takamura and Munir Lone of OBC. Dr. Marwah met all the faculty members and administrative staff of the college and students from different countries.


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