Belgium National Day Celebrated at Marwah Studios

Poster Launched on The National Day of Belgium
Noida: The President of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry Sandeep Marwah extends his greetings to the people of Belgium on their National Day falls on 21st July.
“I on behalf of Marwah Studios and Indian Media and Entertainment Industry congratulate the people of Belgium on the National Day. I wish India and Belgium friendship to grow to the next level,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios while releasing the poster of friendship.
The senate to the European Union Dr. Deepak Narwal was present there from Brussels where they have their office. “ I am pleased to be part of this beautiful event where a Chamber is celebrating a National Day of Belgium. This sounds   that both countries have very close relations and     it has a lot to do with Marwah Studios,” said Deepal Narwal appreciating the gesture of poster launching.


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